20th Century Fox Home Entertainment released the comedy-thriller crime caper Henry’s Crime, starring Keanu Reeves (The Private Lives of Pippa Lee), Vera Farmiga (Source Code) and James Caan (Middle Men), on Blu-ray and DVD on Aug. 23, 2011, for the list prices of $29.98 and $22.98, respectively.
Directed by acclaimed British filmmaker Malcolm Venville (44 Inch Chest), the movie centers on Henry Torne (Reeves), a wrongly accused man who winds up behind bars for a bank robbery he didn’t commit. After befriending a charismatic lifer (Caan) in prison, Henry finds his purpose: having served his time, he decides he may as well rob the bank he was accused of robbing.
But Henry’s outlandish plan spins wildly out of control as he finds himself performing in a stage adaptation of Chekov’s The Cherry Orchard and falling in love with the production’s slinky leading lady (Farmiga).
Co-starring the always-game Judy Greer (Love and Other Drugs), Bill Duke (Night at the Musuem) and Peter Stormare (Small Town Murder Songs), Henry’s Crime received a limited but well-reviewed release in theaters in the U.S. in April.
No bonus features have been announced for the Blu-ray or DVD.
Check out the movie’s trailer:
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