DVD Release Date: March 17, 2015
Price: DVD $16.99
Studio: Paramount
As the original Star Trek approaches its 50th anniversary (the very first episode of the series premiered in September, 1966, Paramount is beginning what’s sure to be a months-long celebration of all things Trek.
With that comes Star Trek: The Original Series – Captain Kirk’s Boldest Missions, a two-disc, eight-episode sampling of Captain James Tiberius Kirk’s greatest adventures.
To its credit, the collection is primarily comprised of installments from Season One, which is generally considered to be the science fiction series’ finest. Here’s a breakdown of episodes
-The Corbomite Maneuver
-The Conscience of the King
-Balance of Terror
-Space Seed
-The City on the Edge of Forever
-Mirror, Mirror
-The Doomsday Machine
-Return to Tomorrow
And here’s a run-down of the special features, which includes an intro by Kirk himself, William Shatner, and Joan Collins, who co-starred alongside Shatner in Star Trek‘s finest hour, “City on the Edge of Forever.”
Special Features:
-What makes a good Captain?
-The Importance of the “Captain’s Log”
-Captain Kirk’s Legacy
-Introduction by William Shatner & Joan Collins
Buy or Rent Captain Kirk’s Boldest Missions
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