20th Century Fox Home Entertainment issued the animated family movie The Dolphin: Story of a Dream on DVD on Dec. 7, 2010, for the suggested retail price of $19.98.
Based on the novel by Sergio Bambarén, the film tells the story of Daniel, a little dolphin with big dreams who’s living in a world where dreams are forbidden.
Inspired and adventurous, Daniel goes beyond the safety of his pod and into the unknown in search of the true purpose of life. Along the way, he encounters friends and enemies, paradise and danger, and he has to use his heart to navigate the uncharted waters.
Thought we haven’t seen this colorful 2009 movie, it looks to be a coming-of-age adventure in the spirit of Finding Nemo.
The Dophin played in theaters around the world (it’s a German/Peruvian/Italian co-production), but it premiered on DVD in America.
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