On May 17, 2011, Magnolia released the end-of-the-world horror-thriller movie Vanishing on 7th Street, starring Hayden Christensen (Takers), John Leguizamo (Carlito’s Way) and Thandie Newton (For Colored Girls), on Blu-ray and DVD.
In the independent film, a massive power outage plunges Detroit into total darkness and a disparate group of individuals (Christensen, Leguizamo, Newton and Jacob Lattimore) find themselves alone. The entire city’s population have seemingly vanished into thin air, leaving behind heaps of empty clothing, abandoned cars and lengthening shadows.
Soon the daylight begins to disappear completely, and as the survivors gather in an abandoned tavern, they realize the darkness is out to get them and only their rapidly diminishing light sources can keep them safe.
Directed by Brad Anderson, who has proven he knows a thing or two about making creepy movies with his previous efforts Session 9 and The Machinist, Vanishing on 7th Street received a limited release in theaters in February 2011 to above-average critic reviews.
The Blu-ray and DVD carry the list prices of $29.98 and $26.98, respectively, and contain the following bonus features:
- making-of featurette
- alternate endings
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