Review: Metamorphosis DVD

STUDIO: MTI | DIRECTOR: Jeno Hodi | CAST: Chrispher Lambert, Corey Sevier, Irena A. Hoffman, Charlie Hollway, Jennifer Higham, Florentine Lahme
RELEASE DATE: 8/24/2010 | PRICE: DVD $24.95
SPECS: R | 115 min. | Horror | 16.9 widescreen | Dolby Digital 5.1 | Spanish subtitles

RATINGS (out of 5): Movie | Audio | Video | Overall

MetamorphosisIt’s not until the 44th minute, when Christopher Lambert (Highlander) is finally unleashed as a wisecracking, cliche-chewing vampire, that the off-shore, low-budget horror movie Metamorphosis finally comes alive. Lambert is Constantine, the witty, charming, French-accented vampire who haunts the Carpathian Mountains where a trio of — can it be? — clueless American young adults venture in for fun and games despite the dire warnings of the locals.

Still with me?

Perhaps this 2007 movie has been siting on a shelf since for the past three years in order to capitalize on a perceived cultural fondness for vampire movies. More likely, thought, is that it has been languishing because it doesn’t have enough blood, guts and flying shape-shifters to justify mainstream interest.

But Metamorphosis does have Lambert, a wily, veteran actor who knows how to have a good time on the set and how to share that vibe with the viewer. Of course, he smokes everyone else in the movie, especially rising starlet Irena A. Hoffman as his much younger vampire nemesis. She has one goofy scene in which she nearly kick-boxes Lambert into oblivion.

And so, apart from the convincing gothic monastery set, the tax-break Eastern European scenery and the serviceable cinematography, Metamorphosis isn’t much of a change from the usual grade-C stuff.


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About Buzz

Buzz McClain reviews DVDs for Playboy magazine and is a former critic for Video Business magazine. But what he really wants to do is direct.