Blu-ray Release: The Godfather Trilogy: Omertà Edition

Blu-ray Release Date: Nov. 7, 2017
Price: Blu-ray $34.99
Studio: Paramount

What more can be said about director Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather, which celebrates its 45th anniversary this year?

I’ll pass on the hyperbole and just inform you that The Godfather, widely considered one of the most influential films in cinematic history (I couldn’t help myself) has returned to Blu-ray along with the other two films that comprise the epic trilogy in a package that Paramount is calling The Godfather Trilogy: Omertà Edition. The four-disc set includes  the Coppola Restoration of The Godfather and The Godfather, Part II, as well as the remastered version of The Godfather, Part III.

A mere 45,000 of these limited edition, numbered Omertà Edition sets will be issued, all of which include commentary by Coppola on all three films, a full disc of previously released in-depth special features, as well as exclusive new collectible Trivia Cards, Magnetic Poetry, an Anatomy of a Scene fold out and Quote Cards.

Buy or Rent The Godfather Trilogy: Omertà Edition

About Laurence

Founder and editor Laurence Lerman saw Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest when he was 13 years old and that’s all it took. He has been writing about film and video for more than a quarter of a century for magazines, anthologies, websites and most recently, Video Business magazine, where he served as the Reviews Editor for 15 years.