DVD, Digital Release: Saint-Narcisse

Digital, DVD Release Date: Dec. 21, 2021
Price: DVD $24.95
Studio: Film Movement

With his erotically-charged thriller Saint-Narcisse, provocateur Bruce LaBruce, Canada’s reigning “King of Kink,” follows Dominic, a young man with a fetish… for himself.

Set in the early 1970s and the afterglow of sexual liberation, Dominic is turned on to an alarming degree by his own reflection, with much of his time spent taking Polaroid selfies. When his loving grandmother dies, he discovers a deep family secret: his lesbian mother didn’t die in childbirth and he has a twin brother, Daniel, raised in a remote monastery by a depraved priest, held captive against his will!

The power of destiny brings together the two beautiful, identical brothers, who, after being reunited with their mother Beatrice, are soon embroiled in a blasphemous web of sex, revenge and redemption.

A paean to the psychosexual thrillers of the Seventies, the DVD incarnation of the film includes the following features: 

  • Commentary by director Bruce LaBruce
  • Deleted Scenes

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About Laurence

Founder and editor Laurence Lerman saw Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest when he was 13 years old and that’s all it took. He has been writing about film and video for more than a quarter of a century for magazines, anthologies, websites and most recently, Video Business magazine, where he served as the Reviews Editor for 15 years.