Blu-ray, DVD Release: The Friends of Eddie Coyle

Blu-ray & DVD Release Date: April 28, 2015
Price: Blu-ray $39.95; DVD $29.95
Studio: Criterion

In one of the best performances of his legendary career, Robert Mitchum (The Night of the Hunter) plays small-time gunrunner in an adaptation by Peter Yates (Breaking Away) of George V. Higgins’s acclaimed novel The Friends of Eddie Coyle. 

Robert Mitchum in The Friends of Eddie Coyle

Robert Mitchum in The Friends of Eddie Coyle

World-weary and living hand to mouth, Eddie “Fingers” Coyle works on the sidelines of the seedy Boston underworld just to make ends meet. But when he finds himself facing a second stretch of hard time, he’s forced to weigh loyalty to his criminal colleagues against snitching to stay free.

Co-starring Peter Boyle (Taxi Driver) and Richard Jordan (Logan’s Run) and directed with a sharp eye for its gritty locales and an open heart for its less-than-heroic characters, this is one of the true treasures of 1970s Hollywood filmmaking—a suspenseful crime drama in stark, unforgiving daylight.

Criterion’s Blu-ray and DVD editions of the 1973 film include the following:

  • Restored high-definition digital transfer, approved by director Peter Yates, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack
    • Audio commentary from 2009 featuring Yates
    • Stills gallery
    • An essay by critic Kent Jones and a 1973 on-set profile of actor Robert Mitchum from Rolling Stone


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About Laurence

Founder and editor Laurence Lerman saw Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest when he was 13 years old and that’s all it took. He has been writing about film and video for more than a quarter of a century for magazines, anthologies, websites and most recently, Video Business magazine, where he served as the Reviews Editor for 15 years.