Blu-ray Release: Auto Focus

Blu-ray Release Date: April 17, 2018
Price: Blu-ray $29.95
Studio: Twilight Time

The 2002 drama Auto Focus (2002) is director Paul Schrader’s (Cat People) “dramatized” biography of Bob Crane (Greg Kinnear, Little Men), a TV sitcom star (Hogan’s Heroes) who descended into sexual addiction and, obsessed with electronic recording, taped his encounters with scores of women.

Willem Dafoe (John Wick) co-stars as John Henry Carpenter, an electronics expert who encouraged and collaborated with Crane. He ultimately became a prime suspect after Crane was bludgeoned to death in an Arizona motel room in 1978.

This Blu-ray edition of the film comes loaded with bonuses, including the following:

-Isolated Music Track
-Audio Commentary with Director Paul Schrader
-Audio Commentary with Actors Greg Kinnear and Willem Dafoe
-Audio Commentary with Producers Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski, and Screenwriter Michael Gerbosi
-Murder in Scottsdale
-Making-of Featurette
-Five Deleted Scenes with Optional Director Commentary
-Original and Redband Theatrical Trailers

As supplier Twilight Time prints up only 3,000 copies of each title, be sure to head over to the Twilight Time site or that of distributor Screen Archives NOW so you can put in your prebook order!

About Laurence

Founder and editor Laurence Lerman saw Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest when he was 13 years old and that’s all it took. He has been writing about film and video for more than a quarter of a century for magazines, anthologies, websites and most recently, Video Business magazine, where he served as the Reviews Editor for 15 years.